Ugh - I accidentally deleted my response. Sad.
But, to recap - I am sympathetic to the plight of straight women when dating men (I mean, I've done it and it's rough out there) but what I object to, is this messaging telling men they have to be partnered to be happy. It's toxic for a few reasons, but at least one is, it puts a lot of pressure on the women they date to fix their lives. I actually think it would be easier to date men who believed remaining single was a valid life choice.
Were the messaging "men need to improve communication to improve connections in all areas of their life" I wouldn't object; but this single minded focus on men needing to change themselves to be worthy of love is... problematic.
And finally, since I'm bi and I also date women I should note... I don't actually think your average woman is easier to date than your average man. Women have communication problems too, and I think we just live in a society that undervalues these skills overall. Again, I'm not against learning communicaiton skills, I'm against the implication that single people of any gender are less complete than partnered people.